It is a beautiful day outside today! 60* and sunny, yet I'm here in the house making chili for tomorrow. Did get out for a bit to go to Wally World and check the mail. Man, I can't wait for spring to get here.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mema's the only one who posted in the Saturday thread.
Until now anyway!
We finally got above freezing here today. First day since January 6'th that we've been at or above 32 degrees. It's nice to walk outside and not get slapped in the face with freezing temps!
Today has been a relatively boring day. I think I'll wind it down tonight with some SNL, a few jack and cokes and a pizza.
I've been busy cleaning and putting things away from the last flood now that the carpet has been fixed. BUT I've been tuned in off and on today. I LOVE 6PACK WKENDS!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Well, I'm happy SOMEBODY finally commented on Saturday besides me! I was trying to be upbeat. Good choice on the drinks, JR... I'm almost to my 3rd margarita. Would be there cept I had to talk to my Momma for a while before I got too gassed.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm beat. I had a 12 hour day at the tax office because people kept coming in. I so wanted to say, "Did ya see the hours on the door? The ones that say we close at 5 on Saturdays. Did you wonder why it's dark outside? Perhaps because it's 7?!"
We went out to my brother's today. His garage door opener hasn't been working and he asked my husband to take a look at it. After they tore it apart, they went and bought a new gear assembly, installed it, door wouldn't open. They messed around for 3 hours trying different things, but door still wouldn't open. Then they went and bought a whole new opener. Took the old one down, put the new one up, door still wouldn't open. After lots of cuss words and four hours later, they decided to take a look at the installation instructions. Turns out they didn't have the chain return in the right place when they put it together. Why is it that men never read instruction manuals first??
Sometimes no good can come from reading the instructions. Some fine day I will tell you the story of having to repair the toilet in one of my bathrooms. It all went wrong once I started reading the instructions.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.